Selasa, 07 Oktober 2008


HaI.... hai....


Wah... ini posting pertama... hm..

(wow... it was my first posting )

hmm... ( berpikir mau pake bahasa apa ya ? )
(hmm... (thinking, what langguage am i suppose to use? )

Ok... i'm going to use english....

Lemme introduce my self

Birth date:August 24th
Weight:57 Kg / 114 pound


Foods:Anything, as long as it tastes delicious
Drinks:Lemon tea (all kind) got addicted lately
Fruits:Anything, except Apple, Pear and don't like durian too much
TV Shows:Heroes, HIMYM, Crayon sinchan, Donald Duck, all kind of japanese anime and any shows that's not boring and funny
Movie:All sci-fi movie, Laskar Pelangi

well that's all, maybe i'll add something later when i come up with something

well take care everyone..

* hajimemashite = salam perkenalan / please to introduce my self..
japanese language used to introduce ourselves.


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